Coming home from another great trip, I clean out my freezer and found frozen corn and frozen chopped chicken. What can I do with this? Well, my concoction worked, because I loved it and will definitely make it again! I used bow tie pasta because the long noodles are not as conducive for traveling. I made leftovers to take with me on trips.
4 ears of cooked corn (cut cooked kernels into a bowl)3 cups cooked diced or shredded chicken, 5 cloves of garlic (I’m a garlic-holic)1 Tbsp garlic seasoning, 2 tsp paprika or red chile powder, Heavy cream, Salt & pepper to taste, (couple stems each from my garden: lemon thyme, oregano)2-3 Tbsp flour
Heat cooking oil in pan. Add chicken, corn, and mince the garlic. Cook until the corn browns a little. Add the garlic seasoning, paprika, herbs, sprinkle with salt & pepper to taste. Cook 2 minutes. I add enough heavy cream to fill near the tops of the mixture. Add a couple Tbsp of flour to thicken to desired consistency. Cook until it bubbles, then pour over cooked pasta. Es muy delicioso!